Tagscanner online
Tagscanner online

  • Easy conversion of different versions of the tag.
  • View or change the attached texts of songs and covers.
  • Supports all metadata formats: MP4 and WMA tags ( iTunes) meta tags, APE v1 and v2 tags, Vorbis Comments and ID3 1.0/1.?.2/2.3/2.4 tags.
  • Supports all modern file formats: MP4 WMA, TrueAudio, WavePack, SPEEX, OptmiFROG, AACFLAC, monkey´s Audio, Musepack and OGG.
  • Replacement of words and capitalizing both for file names and tags. TagScanner is a powerful tag editor with batch functions and special features that allows you to export playlists to HTML or Excel worksheets.
  • Tags generating according to file/directory name.
  • Generate tags according to data from online services - such as Amazon and freedb.
  • Also available in a simple but comfortable editor, playlists, options which are convenient for saving and reading lists in the PLS/M3U and exporting them to HTML, CSV and Excel spreadsheets. The universal, powerful tag editor provides the ability to quickly and easily process the necessary information. The following are the supported tag formats, MP4, WMA, ID3v1, APEv2, Vorbis Comments and ID3v2. TagScanner has ample opportunities to get the album information from online databases. The utility also allows you to generate a tag file name/folder, or change the values of any fields in the batch mode. Alternatives Top Clipboard Managers for Mac ClipClip vs Copy.
  • Supports ID3 1.0/1.1/2.2/2.3/2.TagScanner scans the files of various formats on your computer to organize the information contained in each name tag. Portable TagScanner 5.1 Build 655 Versions for Windows Review of YouTube Downloaders: Viddly vs.
  • Supports MP3, OGG, Musepack, Monkey's Audio, FLAC, AAC, OptimFROG, SPEEX, WavePack, TrueAudio, WMA, MP4 files.
  • Words replacement and case conversion from tags and filenames.
  • Tag fields formatting and rearrangement.
  • Generate tag information from file/foldernames.
  • Manual text-search for information in freedb.
  • Import tag information from an online databases like freedb or Amazon.
  • Rename files based on the tag and file information.
  • tagscanner online

    Playlist maker with ability to export playlists to HTML or Excel.

    tagscanner online

    Powerful TAG editor with batch functions and special features. Supports ID3v1, ID3v2, Vorbis comments, APEv2, WindowsMedia and MP4(iTunes) tags. Rename files according to information from the tags, import tag information from filenames or other sources. It can edit tags of most modern audio formats, supports ID3v1/v2, Vorbis comments, APEv2, WMA, MP4 (iTunes) tags. Also you may get album info via online databases like freedb or Amazon. TagScanner is a powerful tool for organizing and managing your music collection. It can edit tags of mostly state-of-the-art audio formats, rename files based on the tag information, generate tag information from filenames, and perform any transformations of the text from tags and filenames. TagScanner is a multifunction program for organizing and managing your music collection.

    Tagscanner online